My name is Augustine Speelman , I am 30years old and a mother of 3 beautiful boys. I had a relatively good life until the age of 17 years old when I met the father of my children, which I thought was the love of my life. Everything was good in the beginning until I had my first born. Everything changed drastically because he became jealous of his own son. He became very angry with me because according to
him I spend more time with the child than him. I began to see a side to him I never thought existed. He began to abuse me emotionally, which broke me. The words he used to say to me made me feel less of person. Even though I knew he smoked drugs it really didn’t bother me because I was so in love with him. As time went by, I became so tired of all the emotional abuse and him breaking me down I made a decision to also start smoking with him. I though maybe this will change his attitude towards me. I chose him over my family, had two more son with him. I stayed with him because of my children and the addiction to drugs. Years went by and I just couldn’t take it no more, the now emotional as well as physical abuse. I prayed that God would help me. I eventually ran away and left my children and lived on the streets for a while until I got the courage to go to my mom and asked for help. I got the help I need through people who care and The Hope Revolution I was rehabilitated, reconciled with my family and even have my children at my side. All Honor and Praise to God. If we call upon the name of the Lord, He is able to help and I am a true witness of the favor and the goodness of God. I trust Him in everything I do.